Sunday 23 May 2010

End of the Union

No not the United Kingdom, but the European Union, with the Germans pushing for greater financial integration, were all national budgets are agreed by the EU before they are put to national parliaments.
If this is agreed by the 27 EU member states, and if there is no complete opt out for the UK. If the UK cannot get an opt to every single clause in the new agreement, this will cause a referendum in the UK, as detailed in the Coalition agreement.
What are the odds that the most euro-secptic nation in Europe voting yes, to any further loss of powers to the EU, I would say the chances would be slim.
So were would that leave us, there would have to be a re negotiation of the treaty after the no vote, which if there still no complete opt out would require another referendum, with similar odds as the first one in passing.
So we've twice voted against the new treaty, do re negotiate again, knowing without a complete opt out, that there would have little chance of a yes vote, so that leaves us in my opinion with only 1 option and that is to have a vote on whether we stay in the EU or not.
Which I think would lead to us voting to leave the EU.

Dark Lord

Thursday 20 May 2010


Sorry for the lack of posts recently, a few personal issues came up, that stopped me from psoting, but all should be OK now, so i can get back to posting again

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Hey ho the wicked witch is dead

Well that's the end of that cycloptic cunt
Lets how see how long this lasts, they've signed on for 4 years, if it lasts the 4 years I would be really impressed, that they could hold it together for that long.

Dark Lord

Monday 10 May 2010

I've Joined

I decieded this evening to join the Conservative Party, I am disgusted at the way the Lib Dems have treated us, they talked to a Labour negotiation team behind our back, I say let them form a Rainbow coalition of losers, they won't get AV through the house of commons, either because the coalition will not last long enough or the Labour party cannot get enough of its MPs to vote for it.
We should never have given them the option of AV, take it off the table now and sit back and see how the dice fall.

Dark Lord

Saturday 8 May 2010

End of the Union

I am not talking about the end of the unions, even though I would still like their powers curtailed further, what I am talking about is the end of the union of the United Kingdom.

It is plain to see in this last election that the Celtic Fringe as in previous elections, have a disproportionate, influence over the majority of the population, which are the English.

We have it seems vastly different outlooks on life, the Celts want a more socialist way of life, in Scotland mainly due to the influence of the Presbyterian church.
Were we the English, want a more fiscally conservative liberal society, with small government, not just greater personal freedom, but the freedom to choose what we believe is best for ourselves and families and not to be dictated too by the centre.

It is currently not a union of equals, with 10 million of them and 55 million of us, but the 10 million of them have as much if not more power then 55 million of us

We the English are not liked by the Celtic fringe, in fact we are detested by large parts of them, where when visiting these places, by just speaking with an English accent, will see you physical attacked.

So I say its time to end the union, let them suffer, they have everything in their favour now, why shouldn't things be in our favour, we shouldn't bow and cur-tow to the minority

Northern Ireland would be the first to go, I wouldn't lose any sleep and we could do without the headaches, just it give it the Republic. They couldn't afford to run NI in the good times, never mind they are struggling with a huge deficit, savage cuts in public spending, due to the collapse of the Celtic tiger economy.

The Scots, plainly don't like us, so I say fuck'em, give them independence, they bang on about oil and gas reserves, these reserves are dwindling, they would only get maybe 20 years maximum out of them and each year with dwindling returns. Even with the oil and gas from the north sea, they still would probably have to raise taxes, to keep their current standard of public services.

The Welsh would be truly fucked, they don't have the oil and gas revenue as the Scots, their taxes would have to rise substantially, or huge cuts in the current budget.

Oh by the way I would make sure they took, their share of the national debt with them, it would still leave us with the largest ammount, but without the grossly disproportionate public spending they receive, we could reduce the deficit and start paying off the debt.

End the union, end it now

Dark Lord

Wednesday 5 May 2010


Ive changed my mind, looking at the fall in support for the lib Dems in the polls, I have decided to swap Labour and the Lib Dems, with Labour on 28 and the Lib Dems on 26

Tuesday 4 May 2010


I am not sure what to think, the polls say one thing, the pundits say another, the betting odds say another, we are looking at anything from the Tories being 40 seats short, to a majority of just less then 20.
I am going to have a go at predicting the % of the national vote on election night
Tories 38%
Lib Dems 28%
Labour 26%
Others 8%

I am not sure if I have the Labour and the Lib Dems the right way round, but my belief is that come polling day, when people go to vote they look at the voting slip, and think to themselves, I just cannot bring myself to vote Labour and will Lid Dem instead.

Dark Lord

Friday 30 April 2010

Mandys master plan

With Tony Blair coming back for the last week of the election, I believe I now understand Mandelson’s master plan, and why he has run the worst election campaign in living memory.
He is going to bring back Tony Blair to lead the Labour party, with the party at rock bottom, looking like its only going to get around the mid 20's at the polls, he can then bring back Tony as the saviour of the Labour party, he will then blame loss of the election on the left wing of the party, adding when Tony was the leader we won 3 elections, he would be greater strengthened, if Tony in the final week can get Labour a couple more percentage points at the polls.

Dark Lord

Thursday 29 April 2010

The winner is

Well its nearly time to show the cards, lets see who has the best hand or is Glegg going to win a bluff

Dark Lord

Wednesday 28 April 2010


Oh dear, oh dear what has he done.

On Gordon's grave stone it will say
Fucked the economy
Fucked Britain
Fucked himself

Dark Lord

Saturday 24 April 2010


A good performance by Cameron on Thursday's final debate, and with the way the polls are going in our favour, should see the Conservatives home with a small majority, as well as, after looking at some of the analysis behind the voting intentions, with the Tories and Labour both showing that 74% of those polled are definitely going to vote for their intended choice, with the Lib Dems on only 49%, plus the Lib Dems also have a higher proportion of young voters saying they will vote for them, but this is the demographic that is least likely to actually go and vote.

Dark Lord

Friday 23 April 2010

Labours Election Poster

I was rather disturbed at seeing Labours new poster they released yesterday, you can see the poster here
The poster sickens me on 2 points, the first is the mocking of the disabled, the second is the mocking of David Camerons disabled son Ivan who died last year, as the picture is very similar to some of those taken of Dave pushing his son in his wheel chair.
I want which one of the 4 cunts of the apocalypse who approved this poster, to come out and publicly apologise for this despicable poster

Dark Lord

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Fable writen by the Grimy Miner

Mr Clown had known, ever since he was a child, that he was destined for great things.

He had been encouraged by his doting mother to believe that he was infallible.
"Gormless", she would say, "there is no one else quite like you, you are unique"

And he was!

At school he sustained a particularly incongruous accident, he was watching a rugby match and, as the ball was kicked into touch for a distance advantage, he momentarily looked at the sun and was blinded in his left eye.
This embarrassed him sorely; this was not the heroic misadventurous accident he had planned to have. He would have preferred to have stopped a runaway milkmans horse from crushing a flaxen haired child beneath its wheels, but, with a pragmatism of one born to great things, he made the best of it.
He told anyone and everyone that the injury had been sustained in a particularly competetive inter house match, in which he, Gormless, was the main protagonist and who scored the only try to win the match and the day. Thus was legend born.

Fast forward, if you will, to a day not so distant from the present.
Gormless had, yet again, had his ambition to be great cruelly removed from his grasp, and by his erstwhile friend, Tory.

Tory Bliar had known Gormless for a long time; their careers had taken a roughly parallel course, although Gormless had pursued a more intellectual path eschewing fame and popularity whilst Tory had courted influential friends.

Then came the big day.
The "Main Chance"
The "Big Job" - and Gormless was sure that he was up to the "Big Job"

However, to the people who mattered, and had much influence in the selection of the person for the "Big Job", Gormless was definitely NOT up to it.

His spirits dashed, Gormless brooded and plotted, often late into the night, planning revenge on those who had spurned him, particularly his one time friend Tory Bliar, who the people who mattered had selected for the "Big Job".

Eventually his one time friend, Tory, had decided that he had finally had enough of the "Big Job", he was bored with it and had earned enough money to travel to far off lands to give the inhabitants of those lands the benefit of his vast wisdom.

This was Gormless's moment!

He managed to convince the people who mattered that it was his turn to take the "Big Job"

At last he had the job he had dreamed and schemed for all his life.
But disaster was to strike! He discovered that contrary to his self belief he was NOT destined for great things. On the contrary, he found that he had an almost uncanny predeliction for fucking up even the most innocuous of situations, turning miniscule pimples of problems into giant fucking mountains.

He was not loved.
People said of him "Clown has never, not once, surprised me on the upside. You look at what he’s doing, you cynically postulate the most fuckwitted scenario you dare imagine, and he still surprises you with his rank idiocy. He goes that extra mile of utter fucking imbecility that just leaves you slack-jawed and gaping at the sheer, monumental fuckwittery you have witnessed."
Help, however, was at hand. A new friend, Nick Clog, promised to help him achieve fame. All he had to do was to be himself for another two weeks and the people who mattered would see just what sort of a man Gormless Clown really was.

To be continued.......................................................................

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Who runs the country if…

Who runs the country if on May 7th we have a hung parliament and the Liberal Democrats decide to back Labour, in a LibLab pact. Most of the speculation on the blogosphere is that the Lib Dems will ask for 2 things, the first is a change to the voting system to PR and their brand of PR and not Labours. The second being Gordon Brown will not be the Prime Minister, as they cannot fight on a campaign of change and keep him in power.

So if Gordon does stand down, this will then force a leadership contest. The contest will then probably be between, either of the Millipede brothers, Alan Johnson and Ed Balls, depending if he survives at the election and keeps his seat.

So how long will all this take before we have a new Prime Minister, there will be time spent in the horse trading between the 2 parties, Gordon will then have to resign his position. It will then take time, while the Labour leader candidates, gets the required 20% of the Labour parliamentary party members support, to get on the ballot. (About 50 signatures based on current projections)
After they have decided who’s going to be on the ballot, they then have to send out all the ballot papers, they will have to have some sort of election contest so voters can see what the candidates stand for on the issues. They then have to have the vote, count it and finally nominate the winner.

We could be sat on June 7th one month later, not knowing who is the next Prime Minister, and yet again we will have a Prime Minister we didn’t want and didn’t vote for, my advice is to vote Conservative, because then on May 7th you know who the next Prime Minister is going to be.

Monday 19 April 2010

Holding our nerve

I have been debating what to write for my first proper post, I was initially going to write about the national debt and the budget deficit, but I still need to track down some more stats and information for my post, this morning I was going to write about why we have allowed the social acceptance of the BNP in this country, but I changed my mind at lunch time.

What I have decided to write as a voter of the Conservative party in a sea of red constituencies here in the Northeast of England is that we need to hold our nerve and attack the socialist economic policies of Labour and the Lib Dems, these policies have left us a national debt of 780 billion pounds and is rising fast, by the time of the next election the Debt will £1.4 Trillion pounds which is equal to the GDP of the entire nation, paying £70 billion pounds a year just to pay the interest on that debt, which is nearly as much as we spend on educating the youth of our country.

Tony Blair once said he would be tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime, well the Lib Dems and Nick Clegg will be soft on crime and soft on the causes of crime.

The Lib Dems say no to the next generation of Trident, we might as well hand in our permanent site on the UN security council now, it would be less embarrassing that way, instead of being asked to do so in the near future if we scrap it.

If we lose this election to a LibLab pact of sorts, then the Conservative party will never see power again probably in our lifetime, with the Lib Dems demanding PR from Labour as part of any deal, will be forever a socialist state, we will be a nation from cradle to grave suckling on the teat of an engorged tax fed nation state.

If we can win this election, then with the changes the conservatives are going to make, with a reduction in the number of seats, which will mean a large amount of boundary changes, which will result in the loss of a lot more labour seats as the seats in the North and Scotland currently have an average of 75,000 people per seat to 85,000 in Southern England, they also plan to introduce new laws on the funding of political parties by the unions, so cutting Labours supply of funds. Do not expect a bloodless coup when Gordon Brown loses the election, there will be plenty of public blood letting that will happen as both sides of the party fight for its control.

This election is not just about who will run this country for the next 5 years, but is for the survival of the Conservative and Labour parties, we just need to do everything in our power to make sure its Labour that is finished for good.

Dark Lord

Hello and welcome

Hello and welcome to another Socio / Political blog (Just what the world needs, another person venting their spleen on the internet)
I will be blogging on all things political and commenting on what is happening in our society.
As you can see from the name of the site and the title banner, what my political views aren’t, the banner contains the 4 C***s of the apocalypse, I will leave it up to you to fill in the blanks.
I could consider myself a fiscal conservative, with a small ‘c’ and liberal on most social issues, except law and order as well as immigration.

Dark Lord