Tuesday 20 April 2010

Who runs the country if…

Who runs the country if on May 7th we have a hung parliament and the Liberal Democrats decide to back Labour, in a LibLab pact. Most of the speculation on the blogosphere is that the Lib Dems will ask for 2 things, the first is a change to the voting system to PR and their brand of PR and not Labours. The second being Gordon Brown will not be the Prime Minister, as they cannot fight on a campaign of change and keep him in power.

So if Gordon does stand down, this will then force a leadership contest. The contest will then probably be between, either of the Millipede brothers, Alan Johnson and Ed Balls, depending if he survives at the election and keeps his seat.

So how long will all this take before we have a new Prime Minister, there will be time spent in the horse trading between the 2 parties, Gordon will then have to resign his position. It will then take time, while the Labour leader candidates, gets the required 20% of the Labour parliamentary party members support, to get on the ballot. (About 50 signatures based on current projections)
After they have decided who’s going to be on the ballot, they then have to send out all the ballot papers, they will have to have some sort of election contest so voters can see what the candidates stand for on the issues. They then have to have the vote, count it and finally nominate the winner.

We could be sat on June 7th one month later, not knowing who is the next Prime Minister, and yet again we will have a Prime Minister we didn’t want and didn’t vote for, my advice is to vote Conservative, because then on May 7th you know who the next Prime Minister is going to be.

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